A cross-border community for researchers with openness, equality and inclusion


Home / Membership / Instruction


Any academic and industrial groups or individuals engaged in discipline research in any country or regions that are willing to abide by the USS Charter may join the USS

Members include individual members, institution members, and society members:

1) Individual members are divided into several levels, namely: student members, professional members, senior members, outstanding members, and fellows. Qualified members may be awarded the title of life member. Non-USS members who have made significant contributions to USS may be awarded the title of honorary member.

2) Institutional members include universities, governments, enterprises, and both legal and non-legal research institutions.

3) Society members include legal societies and associations, non-legal councils, organizing committees, professional committees, etc.

Applicants for membership in USS must meet the following conditions:

1) Support the USS Charter;

2) Have the intention to join USS;

3) Have good credibility and reputation;

4) Committed to the development and exchange of scientific research;

5) Pay membership fees on time.

USS members have the following rights:

1) The right to elect, be elected, and vote in USS (except for student members and honorary members);

2) To apply to be the organizer of USS-sponsored conferences, apply for conference co-sponsorship with USS, or apply for IT, equipment, and management support from USS for conference organizations;

3) Society members can use USS’s society management system free of charge and can host society websites with USS’s support.

4) The members of society member have a discount for membership fee;

5) The institutional member or society member have the right to recommend candidate for the member (or standing member) of board of director, vice president and president;

5) The institutional member or society member have the right to apply for the right to host the global or reginal conference sponsored by USS;

6) The institutional member or society member have the right to apply for the financial or technical co-sponsorship of the USS;

7) The member can apply to host his/her/their conference on the USS conference platform with conference management system;

8) The member can apply for launching a new journal under the USS brand;

9) The member can apply to get financial or technical sponsorship for his/her/their journals;

10) to apply for hosting his/her/their journal on the USS publishing platform with publishing system;

11) To access USS Digital Library;

12) To participate in USS activities with priority;

13) To have priority in USS services;

14) To have the right to criticize, make suggestions, and supervise USS work;

15) To join the USS voluntarily and to withdraw from USS freely.

Members shall perform the following obligations:

1) abide by the constitution of USS and implement the resolutions of USS;

2) pay membership fees as required;

3) actively promote and participate in various activities of USS;

4) develop members for USS;

5) contribute to the development of USS;

6) submit communication information that can be contacted in time to the society, and notify USS in time when the contact information changes.

Members shall formally notify USS of their withdrawal from the association. If a member fails to pay their membership dues for three consecutive months, they shall be deemed to have automatically withdrawn from the association.

If a member seriously violates this constitution, he/she shall be expelled upon approval by the Board of Directors or the Executive Board of Directors.